What would life be if we didn't have the courage to take a risk


(Vincent van Gogh)

We can't change the wind, but we can change the sails



Sometimes the path only becomes clear when you start walking it

(Franz Kafka)

Once you open the door to change and welcome it, it becomes your best friend

Wibke Brennecke

Life, Business, interculturalcoaching

I have been working independently as an intercultural trainer and systemic master coach in the areas of life, business and intercultural coaching since 2014. I am particularly passionate about accompanying and supporting people in their change processes of all kinds.

I work with private individuals, local small businesses and international companies - with executives, employees, teams, expatriates, families and children.

I offer coaching and training in German and English. They can take place in my coaching room, on your premises or online.
Life Coaching
  • Change in the private and professional context
  • New start coaching
  • Goal setting and goal achievement
  • Personal development
  • Finding and activating resources
  • Release blockages
  • Relationship coaching, mediation and conversation management
  • Burnout prevention
  • "Life tasting" - enjoy life with all your senses
Business Coaching
  • Employee and management coaching
  • Career coaching
  • Mediation and conflict management
  • Team building processes
  • Communication training
  • Systemic constellation work (team, organization, structure)
Intercultural Coaching
  • Cross-Cultural Coaching
  • Cultural sensitization
  • Intercultural communication and international business relations
  • Teaching intercultural skills
  • Multicultural team training
  • Intercultural training for companies, expats, families, children and students
  • Preparation and virtual support for postings abroad

Next steps - the coaching process

A coaching process is like a journey. And if the coachee and coach are going on this journey together, they should get to know each other beforehand. That's why I offer a non-binding and free preliminary meeting before every coaching session.

In the preliminary meeting, you tell me about your concerns and coaching topic. I will introduce you to my working methods and framework conditions. And together we will find out whether the chemistry between us is right. Of course, we can clarify initial questions over the phone and, if you are interested, make an appointment for a personal preliminary meeting.